Philadelphia Orphanages, Orphans, Homies, The Hut, Hut Boys, Past Boys, Catholic Orphanages, Sisters of Saint Joseph, SSJ, Orphan Asylums, St. John's Home, St. John's Orphan Asylum, Archdiocese of Philadelphia, Catholic Children's Bureau, St. Joseph's House for Homeless and Industrious Boys,
Saturday, October 01, 2005
Partial list of sisters who were missioned at St. John's Home
These are the names of the Sisters of St. Joseph who were missioned at St. John's Home from 1952 to 1958. Many were there for decades before 1952.
Sr. Mary of the Visitation, SSJ (Wisniewski)
Sr. Lucia Maria, SSJ Section "K"(Donze)
Sr. Cor Mariae, SSJ (McGarrity) Section "E" 4th Grade
Sr. Margaret Clare, SSJ (Gallagher) Section "A"
Sr. St. Carthage, SSJ (Carroll)
Sr. Clare Genevieve, SSJ (Clinton) "A"
Sr. Finbarr, SSJ (McHale) Dormitory Nun Section "L" and "H"
Sr. Romana, SSJ (Dever) "J" 5th Grade
Sr. Leonarda, SSJ (Devlin)
Sr. Nazaria, SSJ (Neary)
Sr. Materna, SSJ (McDevitt)
Sr. Mary of Consolation, SSJ (Buoy) Dormatory Nun Sections "B" and "K"
Sr. Marie Carmine, SSJ (De Rosa) Kindegarten Teacher Section "H"
Sr. St. Zita, SSJ (Haley) Infirmary Nun & Nurse
Sr. Eileen Dolores, SSJ (Duffy) 6th Grade Teacher Section "A"
Sr. Francis Eileen, SSJ (Coyle) 7th Grade Teacher
Sr. Rose Xavier, SSJ (Kuhn)
Sr. Mary Esdras, SSJ (Allwein)
Sr. Egberta, SSJ (McGee) Dormitory Nun Section "C"
Sr. Gertrude Marie, SSJ (Gilligan) Office Administration
Sr. Immaculee, SSJ (Gormley)
Sr. Mary Oliver, SSJ (Foran)
Sr. St. Declan, SSJ (Walsh)
Sr. Helen Constance, SSJ (Clark) 5th Grade Teacher, Section "B"
Sr. Mary David, SSJ (Karis) Teacher
Sr. Catherine Aloysia, SSJ (Walsh)
Sr. Saint Daniel, SSJ (Nolan) "Yard Nun"
Sr. Alice Patricia, SSJ (Waters) 1st Grade Teacher, Section "L"
Sr. Catharine Loyola, SSJ (Tasker)
Sr. Saint Urban, SSJ (O'Donnell)
Sr. Constantia, SSJ (Connell)
Sr. Cuthbert, SSJ (McCarney)
Sr. Mary Emma, SSJ (Denny)
Sr. Jane Teresa, SSJ (McDonnell)
Sr. Saint Kieran, SSJ (Heraty)
I was at st johns from 1949 to 1956. i have no good memories of that place.
ReplyDeleteMy grandfather Sam McWilliams and his two younger brothers were at this orphanage around 1900. I am looking for any information I can get on their parents. If you can help please get in touch with me.
ReplyDeleteThank you.
Yeah,I had Sister Helen Constance (Clark) during the years 1966-67.
ReplyDeleteI was at Catholic Home for Girls at 29th and Allegheny and she taught 8th grade inside the Home.
This nun had all us girls TERRIFIED when under her care.She was always looking for one of us to step out of line or do something wrong. Her as well as Sister Baptista(McShane)...a seventh grade teacher, both possessed mean, sadistic personalities.
I was a resident at Saint Johns' in 1957.Recently I wanted to know more about the reasons for my placement at this facility. I emailed an archieves in the city of Philadelphia and received a response the next day. I was provided with a copy of an identifing index card and a narative from a judge at The Municipal Court Of Philadelphia. It was also learned that a large educational institution in Philadelphia houses 58 box of orphanage records (including Saint Johns' dating back to 1887). It is unclear what material that I'll be permited to view of these stored records(or even if my case is part of the inventory).I'll follow-up on this site with my final results. I hope that this posting may be helpful to others. I'm certain that there are some former resients of Saint Johns' who have fractured memories of their committment to this orphanage and would welcome an opportunity to heal through knowledge of the past.
ReplyDeleteMy childhood was full of physical and emotional abuse. The time at Saint Johns' for me was just an extention of the treatment that I received at home. In some respects, I was in a better place at the orphanage setting.At the asylum, I went to school, ate 3 meals per day, took a daily shower, and received clean clothing. At home,I was often locked-up in a oven like dirty bedroom for day-after day, forced to be silent or to be whipped with electrical cords, given no food for days,had to drink water by putting my face under the bathroom faucet (no cup) and was isolated from other people. The summertime was the worst for me as school was out and nobody missed me. Unlike my time at home, I could lose myself among the other orphange residents which reduced the nunber of opportunties to be beaten.Yes, I was physically and emotionally attacked at St. Johns', but I didn't know that anything else better existed. Through the grace of God I survived home and Saint Johns'.