
Tuesday, January 08, 2019

To contact Jim Brown from The Hut -1960-1964, Roman Catholic Class of 1964!

To Register Click on the Link Below:

Individuals who wish to participate in the Program may immediately register with the Administrators on this Program website by providing their names, contact information and a summary description of the nature of the allegation, including the dates, time, location of the alleged abuse and name of the alleged perpetrator. 

Such information will be maintained in strict confidence in conjunction with this Program except that it will be forwarded to the local office of the District Attorney by the registrant and the Archdiocese for initial review of the allegations. 

The registrant should include the following language in their written notification to the DA as follows: “By sending this notification to the DA I agree that the DA’s office can inform the Archdiocese of the allegations reported to the DA.” In addition, the Archdiocese will have the matter investigated by its own independent investigators. 

Please note: If the allegation is directed at clergy of another diocese or religious order, your information will be forwarded to that entity for response.

Click Here to register to receive Program information when it becomes available.


  1. Do you think the Boy in the Box could have come from the orphanage you were in?

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  4. I feel so sorry for what you, your brother and the other kids had to live :(. You and your bro were so cute, anyone in their right mind would want to give kids like you were a big hug and help you as you were orphaned not act like monsters like those nuns did. They were probably insane. It's heartbreaking.

    I asked about the Boy in the Box because he had this weird hair cut, like someone had started to shave his head just before his death. He also had lots of bruises on his lower legs. I thought it could match what you said about the abuse you were victims of when kids. Being shaved if you tried to runaway, having to kneel on your hands...

    4:54 PM Delete
